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Earn Money – Articles

29 10, 2021

9 Reasons Why Starting a New Business During a Recession is a Good Idea

By |2022-04-10T18:28:37+00:00October 29th, 2021|Earn Money, Financial Stability, Recession, Start a Business|

Building a business for yourself is always a great idea and starting one during an economic slump allows for some distinct advantages that provide a great launching board for entrepreneurs. In fact, many individuals have created successful companies during difficult economic times and are now known worldwide. If this has

25 09, 2021

Side Hustles for Paying Off Student Loans

By |2022-03-18T19:58:26+00:00September 25th, 2021|Earn Money, Pay Down Debt, Student Loans|

Many of us have experienced what it feels like to be drowning in student loan debt, with no financial resources for paying the loan off in a reasonable amount of time. Meanwhile, interest racks up, and your $30,000 college loan is now $100,000. If this sounds like you, welcome to

28 11, 2020

Ideas for Making Enough Money So You Can Quit Your Job

By |2021-09-11T21:12:30+00:00November 28th, 2020|Earn Money, Financial Freedom, Passive Income|

  Many people are happy working as an employee, reporting to a boss or manager. For some, this is considered a simpler life because their workday completely ends when they leave the building. For others, quitting their day job would be a dream come true, beyond compare. These are the

27 09, 2020

5 Reasons Why Self-Employment is More Financially Secure Than a Day Job

By |2020-11-28T20:13:26+00:00September 27th, 2020|Earn Money, Financial Stability, Passive Income|

I've been self-employed for many years now, and I'm so thankful that's the case. Why? Because in today's recent economic uncertainty, I've realized just how much self-employment is more financially secure than a day job. I've learned that when you work for someone else, you can't rely on them for

11 04, 2020

Ultimate Guide to 2020 Stimulus Checks (Economic Impact Payments)

By |2020-09-27T03:50:43+00:00April 11th, 2020|Earn Money, Economic Impact Payment, Stimulus Checks|

Many individuals and families have been hit hard financially due to the effects of the coronavirus that has caused an economic collapse. With businesses closed across the nation, and millions of hard-working Americans forced to stay at home to ensure their safety, the federal government is preparing to provide financial

23 04, 2019

20 Home-Based Businesses that are Easy to Start

By |2021-10-28T04:48:45+00:00April 23rd, 2019|Earn Money, Financial Freedom, Passive Income|

In today's day and age, starting a home-based business is becoming the norm, and for good reason. It's the ideal solution for escaping the daily rat race of being an employee, and instead, it allows you to work from the comfort of your own home. If you have been kicking

7 03, 2019

Average 401(k) balance by Age – Is Your Retirement Fund Where it Should Be?

By |2019-04-23T23:12:03+00:00March 7th, 2019|Earn Money, Investing|

Are you wondering if your 401(k) balance is where it should be at this time in your life? Are you unsure if your 401(k) funds are growing at the appropriate pace? If so, you may want to check out the average 401(k) balance by age to find the answer. Although

24 02, 2019

Why You Should Start a Business And Not Work for a Paycheck

By |2019-04-23T23:42:19+00:00February 24th, 2019|Earn Money, Financial Freedom, Lower Taxes|

Wealthy people own not just the dollar but the source of that dollar. Once you wrap your head around that, your perspective on wealth will shift permanently, and you will see why you should stop working for a paycheck. People often have the perception that a big paycheck is what

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